Participation of Pahang State Secretary Incorporated in 29th IMT-GT Ministerial Meeting and Related Meeting

Batam, 24 September 2023 - Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailands Growth Triangles (IMT-GT) idea was initied by former Prime Minister of Malaysia with former President of Indonesia that provides a sub-regional framework for accelerating economic cooperation an integration of the member of the states and provices in the three countries.

Besides, the IMT-GT promotes privates sector led economic growth and facilitates the development of the sub-region as a whole by exploiting the underlying complementarities and comparative advantages of the member countries.

In this 29th Editon was held in Batam that is the largest city in the province of Riau Islands, Indonesia. Pahang State Secretary Incorporated (PSK) one of the agency that appointed from Pahang state Goverment to promote investment in Pahang.

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